Kathryn is working 12 hour days at the minute, so I am in charge of walking the dogs, which means a daily trip around Treragin Wood. This gives me time to look and think and plan ahead. And see a bit more of the wildlife, not having a chain-saw going to frighten everything off!
This morning I a fox ran across the track in front of us, but the most interesting sighting has been a grass snake, basking under a sheet of corrugated iron, which I had lifted looking for slow worms. This was the third sighting of a grass snake in the twenty three years ownership. I went back today with the camera, but this time there was a one slowworm, but no snake! The daffodil season is over now, and bluebells are coming out. Also the early orchids are making their appearance, but it will be a month before they reach their peak.
I am still clearing windblow from the winter storms, but this is nearly at an end now. At least it’s plenty of firewood for next year. My tractor has also had something of a makeover, with the brakes sorted, new wings and a several coats of paint. The makeover cost about the same as the tractor did, back in 1986 – £1600! Ah well, unlike a car it does seem to appreciate in value, so I had better not begrudge it too much.
Two other vague plans are taking shape: improving some of the tracks, including a better route to the lower slopes, and possibly digging a small pond at the same time. A couple of springs have developed in one, causing permanent waterlogging and the loss of a few (drowned) trees. So I may dig out the soft mud, and use the harder stone and subsoil beneath to help build up the track, and form a small dam. On the other hand it may become a job for 2015…………………….