Woodland News

Ash Dieback Research Providing Hope

A range of research projects into ash dieback disease, launched by Defra, are beginning to produce results.  Previously known as Chalara fraxinea, the new correct name for the fungus is now Hymenoscyphus fraxineus. Field trials growing young ash trees have now completed their third year, growing seedlings from 15 seed sources.  With two years left

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Woodland Grants

Details of the new Countryside Stewardship grants, which will be combine the old Environmental Stewardship and Woodland Grant Schemes, are beginning to be released.  Last week an interim scheme was announced to cover three main areas of activity: 1.   Woodland Planning Grants 2.  Tree Health Grants 3.  Grants for Woodland Creation The new woodland creation

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Woodland Shows and Events 2015

The following is a list of major woodland events and fairs around the country, which may be of interest to both prospective and actual woodland owners.  Some are bigger than others, but all have an emphasis on actual woodland management, with many firms represented at them as well as a wide range of activities.  A

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New Woodland Grants: Countryside Stewardship Rides Again!

Defra published the first details about the new grant scheme for woodlands last week.  This will now be known as Countryside Stewardship, having been referred to referred to as New Environmental Stewardship Scheme (or NELMS) in earlier consultations.  It seeks to combine the previous Environmental Stewardship and Woodland Grant Schemes.  A bit more information was

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Changes to Woodland Grants

The Woodland Grant Scheme continues to change as we head towards changes under the new CAP reforms.  The main changes recently announced by the Forestry Commission are: •    Biodiversity Woodland Improvement Grant (WIG) is now closed •    Woodfuel WIGs will close in September.  In practice you need to be in queue by now if you

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Woodland Events in the South West

A couple of events our south west readers may like to know about.  North Hill stages its annual Woodland Craft and Beanpole Fayre in a few days time, on  Saturday May 17th.  details on the poster below.  Simon has been befiore and it promises a good day out. Also a group of local landowners and

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Woodland Grants and CAP Reform

The government have announced some administrative changes in the last month, with some staff administering Environmental Stewardship and Woodland Grant Schemes moving to the Rural Payments Agency from Natural England and from the Forestry Commission.  The role of the Forestry Commission’s woodland officers remains the same for now. The future of the English Woodland Grant

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Badger Cull: News and Opinion

The long discussed trial culls in Somerset and Gloucestershire are now underway, with Somerset starting last week and Gloucestershire this week.  There has been much debate in the media, with a majority of public opinion against the culls, but the level of detail in that debate often leaves something to be desired.  Bovine TB is

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Forestry Commission Changes

The Government spending review, published in June, included a 9.6% cut to Defra, which is on top of previously announced cuts.  That is certain to mean further cuts for the countryside agencies, including the Forestry Commission and Natural England.  That’s likely to mean less staff, again, but no news yet on how it will affect

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Ash Die Back Disease in Devon

A case of the tree disease Chalara dieback of ash has been confirmed in a woodland in Devon.  Devon is the 17th county in Great Britain where Chalara has been discovered in the wider environment, as oppose to recently planted trees.  This brings the disease much closer to our own area of the south west,

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