The first question to ask and answer for yourself is, do I need woodland insurance? It is not a legal requirement, but many owners do purchase public liability insurance. This insures you as the owner against any claims for damages. As well as covering potential claims, the insurance company will handle the legal side of any such claim, including deciding whether to settle or contest. On average in the UK about 4 people are killed by falling trees every year. In view of the number of trees and the number of times people are in the vicinity of trees, this is a remarkably small number.
Whether insured or not, you as a landowner have a duty of care to ensure public safety. This means you have to take reasonable steps; a claim will be valid if the injured party can claim negligence. This may seem a bit vague, but nevertheless, it does enable any court (claims are dealt with as a civil matter) to assess each case on its merits. Newspaper horror stories tend to be the exception, and courts are generally sympathetic to a landowner who has taken reasonable steps.
The good news is that most insurers consider woodlands to be pretty low risk and premiums are not expensive. There are many woods where the risks are so low that it is hardly worth bothering with insurance at all.
It is however it is well worth considering obtaining cover for public liability for your woodland if:
You may wish to take out insurance cover for damage from wind (remember 1987 and 1990) or fire (most broadleaf woodlands do not burn, but young conifers can be inflammable at certain times of year)
Whether you are insured or not, you should take reasonable steps to ensure public safety. These might include:
So, if you decide that you would like the reassurance of insurance, where should you look? Wildlife Woodlands do not offer insurance, nor can we recommend any product winstrol uk. However, some thoughts and ideas which you may wish to follow up on are given below:
But the golden rule is take reasonable care, and don’t be negligent!
Further reading:
Common Sense Risk Management of Trees, written by the Tree Safety Group of the Visitor Safety in the Countryside Group.
This is a detailed and comprehensive guide, drawn up by a group of professional land managers, and covers everything you are likely to need to know, with a very practical approach to issues. Recommended!
Wildlife Woodlands Ltd 2013