Forestry Consultancy

The underlying principle of our woodland management work is to manage in a sustainable way.  Many woods in the south west are neglected, often because of a lack of knowledge of the local markets, and a neglected wood is often one that will later come under threat.  Selling produce, even if limited quantities of firewood, can generate an income, but active management of a wood is often also the best thing for wildlife as well.  A thinned or coppiced wood lets in more light, allowing groundflora to flourish and young trees to seed in, providing structural diversity, and better habitats for birds and butterflies.  Nearly all of our woods were actively managed in the past; that management has made them the unique asset that they are today.

Our services include:

  • Forestry Commission and Defra grant and licence advice
  • Sustainable harvesting plans and timber marketing
  • Woodfuel planning
  • Woodland recreation plans
  • New woodland design
  • Woodland access design
  • Woodland restoration and management
  • Habitat management and enhancement
  • Wetland creation
  • Riparian management

To discuss your requirements, or arrange an initial free advisory visit, please contact Wildlife Woodlands here



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