Woodland Articles

European Protected Species

Nature conservation first became a recognised activity around the beginning of the twentieth century, with Wicken Fen becoming the first nature reserve when purchased by the National Trust in 1895.  The forerunner of the County Wildlife Trusts, the Society for the Promotion of Nature Reserves was founded in.  The name gives something of a clue

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Woodland Training Courses

We have recently been asked by a couple of customers about training courses for managing woodlands.  There are quite a few out there, covering general management, woodland crafts and specific practical skills such as chain-saw operation. Most small woodland owners are interested in short courses at weekends; the wood is after all a hobby, and

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Renewable Heat Initiative for Woodland Owners

Well finally the government have announced the levels of support for their plan to encourage non gas using households to adopt sustainable heating systems – the Renewable Heat Initiative.  It may be of interest to woodland owners in two ways: firstly you have a very cheap source of sustainable fuel, and the Government is keen

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The Cornwall Red Squirrel Project

The plight of the red squirrel is well known since the introduction of grey squirrels into the wild in 1876. Greys are known to have been introduced to Exeter in 1915 and first found their way into Cornwall in 1951. The last known red squirrel in Cornwall was seen in 1984 so their demise has

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Adapting to Climate Change

The French scientist Jean-Baptiste Fourier identified the greenhouse effect in 1827, but it was not until 1988 that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was set up in order to advise on climate change, risks and options for adapting to or mitigating that change.  I was first asked about climate change about the same time,

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Continuous Cover Forestry: managing for wildlife and profit

When you start to think of what makes a good wood for conservation, ancient woodland (continuous woodland since 1600), native trees, and perhaps oak and all its insect species are things that may come to kind.  But woodland structure is equally important and sometimes under-valued.  I think this is especially so when thinking of commercial

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Firewood – the Environmental Fuel

Occasionally we find people who don’t want to chop down any trees, but logs from the right source are among the most ethical and environmentally friendly forms of heating. Broadleaved or deciduous trees grow at a yield class of around 10 (that’s tonnes of timber per hectare every year) and conifers perhaps double that.  In

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