Tag Archives: coppicing

Dormice at Chelfham

We always thought dormice were likely to be present, having been recorded in a wood across the road, and with the wood having loads of suitable habitat.  I found a few suspicious chewed nuts when we were constructing the tracks two years ago, but nothing certain.  Dormice chew neat holes in a hazel nut, whereas

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How big does a woodland need to be?

  The simple answer is as big as possible!  This gives economies of scale for foresters and woodland managers, but is also good for wildlife.  But then the accountant or bank manager gets involved, and it becomes a question of what can you afford? From a wildlife point of view, the technical phrase is island

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Ancient Trees

Most ancient trees are defined as those believed to be over 400 years old, although it can be less, for species with a shorter life span.  400 years is also used to define ancient woodlands, a timescale initially defined by how far back our map records tend to go. Oliver Rackham wrote: ‘Ten thousand oaks

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Woodland Events in the South West

A couple of events our south west readers may like to know about.  North Hill stages its annual Woodland Craft and Beanpole Fayre in a few days time, on  Saturday May 17th.  details on the poster below.  Simon has been befiore and it promises a good day out. Also a group of local landowners and

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Beanpoles and Winter Rain

This was meant to be Simon’s first blog, as he was planning to attend a Woodland Craft and Beanpole Day in North Hill, near Launceston in Cornwall.  But a heavy cold intervened, so the event was missed, but we will give it a plug anyway.  Did you know that last week was National Beanpole Week? 

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Continuous Cover Forestry: managing for wildlife and profit

When you start to think of what makes a good wood for conservation, ancient woodland (continuous woodland since 1600), native trees, and perhaps oak and all its insect species are things that may come to kind.  But woodland structure is equally important and sometimes under-valued.  I think this is especially so when thinking of commercial

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Firewood – the Environmental Fuel

Occasionally we find people who don’t want to chop down any trees, but logs from the right source are among the most ethical and environmentally friendly forms of heating. Broadleaved or deciduous trees grow at a yield class of around 10 (that’s tonnes of timber per hectare every year) and conifers perhaps double that.  In

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